程序數據庫文件(Program Database File)。默認设置下,Debug的PDB是full,保存着調試和項目狀態信息、檢查等代碼,可以對程序的調試配置進行增量鏈接。
宿主進程文件(VS host process),是Visual Studio 2005中的一項功能,主要是為了提高調試性能。 release时最好删除。
.vshost.exe.manifest 文件:
Manifests也制定了組成程序集的文件及Windows類,release 时也最好删除。
The following files are not in use for deploying executable to the production when build release, but they are just being generated. But what is the use of these files?
The following files are not in use for deploying executable to the production when build release, but they are just being generated. But what is the use of these files?
- .pdb - the Program Data Base with debug symbols
- .vshost.exe - a special version of the executable to aid debuging; see MSDN for details
- .vshost.exe.manifest - a kind of configuration file containing mostly dependencies on libraries
如何才能在 Release 時,不產生以上文件?(How to not generate these files when build Release?)
不生成.vshost.exe (How to build release but not generate .vshost.exe?)
看下圖,打開工程屬性的debug標籤頁,將構成選为「Release」,去掉「Visual Studio Hosting Process有效」的勾選後保存。
Right click Project > Properties > Debug and set as below
Right click Project > Properties > Debug and set as below
不生成.pdb文件(How to build release but not generate .pdb?)
看下圖,打開工程屬性的build標籤頁,將構成選為「Release」後打開「詳細設定」。將 「輸出」中的「Debug信息」從「pdb only」變為「none」後保存。
Right click Project > Properties > Build and set as below